Uniforms for season 2024/25
The uniform ordering process has changed for the 2024/2025 season. Please read the information below and if you have any questions please contact uniforms.wdjcc@mail.tidyhq.com. WDJCC is a large club and these are volunteer roles so please be understanding and patient.
U10 Boys/Mixed and U10/U11 Girls teams
DO NOT PURCHASE A PLAYING SHIRT. You will receive a playing shirt through the club (to be returned at the end of the season). Hats and cricket pants will still need to be purchased. Playing shirts will be distributed through your managers.
All other junior teams
Order uniform from the ID Athletics Team Store (Wembley Districts Junior Cricket Club | TidyHQ).
Please email the uniforms.wdjcc@mail.tidyhq.co if further queries.
Integrated cricket league teams
Will be updated regarding their uniform through the Integrated Cricket Coordinator
Coaches and assistant coaches
A shirt will be provided to wear during the matches. After registration, coaches will be sent an email with instructions on how to order.
Other playing equipment
Each team is supplied with bats, pads, helmets and gloves for playing and training. Players are welcome to use their own equipment but there is no requirement to purchase initially. Revo Sports at Shenton Park has a great selection and is a strong supporter of the club if you are looking to buy equipment.
Uniform item details
WDJCC junior players must play in a club playing shirt, long cricket pants (white for boys, teal for girls) and a WDJCC broad brim hat.
Training shirts
Training shirts will not be offered this season. Players are welcome to wear training shirts from previous years or purchase themselves from Wembley Districts Junior Cricket Club | TidyHQ.
Club playing shirt
U10 Boys/Mixed and U10/U11 Girls teams do not need to purchase a shirt. All other junior players can purchase short or long sleeved WDJCC playing shirts from Wembley Districts Junior Cricket Club | TidyHQ. You do not need to purchase a new shirt if previous years still fit.
Cricket pants
White cricket pants can be ordered from Wembley Districts Junior Cricket Club | TidyHQ or purchased separately at sports shops. White cricket pants do not have any club logo on them.
Girls cricket pants
Players in the girl’s competition can purchase teal cricket pants through the team store. The cost of the teal pants has been subsidised by a Grassroots grant that goes towards the purchase of female cricket uniforms.
All players must wear a hat during play. The Community Junior Cricket Council (CJCC) and WDJCC strongly recommends that this be a white broad brim hat, with the possibility of the wicketkeeper using a cap. Wide broad brim hats are available through the team store or can be purchased at sport shops. Caps are available to purchase directly from the club.
Second-Hand Uniform
Due to the size of the club and number of volunteers it is not possible for our volunteers to offer a second-hand uniform shop. We suggest families look out on Buy Nothing Groups for uniforms being offered. If you would like to set up a group please contact WDJCC.
Further questions?
Please contact the Uniform Coordinator at uniforms.wdjcc@mail.tidyhq.co

2024/25 Team Uniforms
Boys/Mixed U10s

Girls U10/U11s

Boys/Mixed U11 to U17s

Girls U12 to U17s

Uniform Sizing
​Sizing charts for each uniform item can be viewed at ID Athletics. The easiest way to find you or your child’s size is to find a shirt they currently wear and fits well and measure as shown on the charts provided there.
Sizing charts are available here: Sizing Charts | Wembley Districts Junior Cricket Club | TidyHQ